Surveys are in and the surveys say - NO Eurasian water milfoil, NO Starry Stonewort, and only a handful of Curly leaf pondweed. It appears there will be no need to treat for any invasive species next year at this time. This will mark the 5th year of not treating EWM. Thanks to all our vendors, partners, watercraft inspectors, lake residents, visionary fund contributors, and board members for all the work and contributions over the years. Keep up the good work and remain aware of things we all can do to keep Cedar Lake a great place to live.
- David Glass, Water Quality Chair
Only $50/year
Membership Form 25 (pdf)
DownloadYour support and contributions will enable us to maintain the lake for all to enjoy. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue to restock walleye fingerlings in the lake.
Your support and contributions will enable us to maintain the water quality in the lake.
Your donation can be made in the memory of a loved one.
We love to hear from you!
PO Box 192, Annandale, MN 55302
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